
7 celebrities’s hairstyles we would like to change !

Here is a list of hair tips for some of our favorite stars :

The target : Demi Moore.

The current hair situation : Whether it is these delusional sheepskin placenta treatments or the love of a younger man, Demi Moore’s anti-aging secrets certainly work to keep her gorgeous. The only problem? Her hair. While they are certainly brilliant and look super soft to the touch, they are just too long and too smooth and do not help to flatter her beautiful face.

The solution : Remember her boyish haircut, she was trendy in “Ghost” before these cuts were cool? Although we would like to see this cut again, it does not need to go that far, but by removing at least part of the length and adding several layers, it would give a needed movement that would give it a younger look , more “cool”. In addition, a lighter shade and less severe would lose him also a few years

The Demi Moore transformation

We were inspired by : Alessandra Ambrosio

The target : Lindsay Lohan.

The current hair situation : Like her life, Lilo’s hair has had its ups and downs, and lately they are mostly at their lowest. But, really, Is there a better time for her to try to put the thought back?

The solution : Let’s remove all damaged hair as a symbol of rebirth – to get out of the ashes of its old way of life and emerge into a healthy, strong and improved version of its old identity. And while we’re here, we can soften the red and blond shades of yesteryear in favor of a softer (and mature) copper-colored shade that really will burst its eyes.

The tranformation :

The Lindsey Lohan Transformation

We were inspired by : Emma Watson

The target : Courteney Cox.

The current hair situation : While Courteney has been very involved against aging (she wants to stay young) and her plans to fight at every step, she has done a remarkable job of keeping her skin young and tense. It’s a shame that she insists on keeping her hair long and bland – it’s a little too harsh and goes against her desire to look young.

The solution : Since the bad hair era of Monica Gellar on “Friends”, Courteney has dared to take significant risks with his style. We think it’s a mistake. She would be better served by losing the length that weighs on her face and adding fringes that would frame her remarkable eyes.

The transformation :

The Courteney Cox Transformation

We were inspired by : Katie Holmes 

The target : Rachel Zoe.

The current hair situation : After years of protests, the famous stylist is expecting her first child in April. With all the requirements that a new baby brings (in addition to its eponymous clothing line ready to start), the diva already overbooked will have even less free time. What better reason to upgrade to a low maintenance hairstyle ?

The solution : Her long, iconic blonde waves flood her tiny bob and tend to look overdone and damaged. Losing much of the length and mass will significantly lighten the look and give it a more manageable style.

The transformation :

The Rachel Zoe’s Transformation

We were inspired by : Sienna Miller

The target : Angelina Jolie.

The current hair situation : One would think that with all the travels around the world, humanitarian work and breeding, Angie would like to have the opportunity to get rid of her super long hair. But, judging by the fact that she rarely changes it, apparently Brad is the only one who likes to mix things on the hair side.

The solution : His hair has become too long and seems to lack a discernable style. Besides the fact that the fringe is a strange length (maybe she tries to make it grow?) The beautiful winner of the Oscars seems to drown in a “look” less glamorous. Our suggestion? Cut a lot of length, add strategically placed wicks and she will have a classy mummy cut that is worthy of red carpet.

The transformation :

The Angelina Jolie’s Transformation

L’inspiration : Keira Knightley

The target : Carrie Underwood.

The current hair situation : Look for “pretty blonde country singer” in the dictionary and you’ll see a picture of the winner of “American Idol”. But now that she’s the Grammy winner, Carrie needs a chic, modern style that’s versatile enough to move from “real life” to the stage.

The solution : Toning the blonde (or changing completely nuance) would instantly add a little glamor to the hair of the bride. And, shortening the length, perhaps for a square, would make it look more sympathetic.

The transformation :

The Carrie Underwood’s transformation

We Christina Hendrickswere inspired by : Christina Hendricks

The Jennifer Anniston’s Transformation

We were inspired by : Nicole Richie


Samantha is not your typical hairstylist, but rather a behind-the-scenes SEO expert who ensures that Haircuts Magazine shines in the online world. With a passion for both words and style, she plays a vital role in making sure that readers can find the latest trends and tips with ease.
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